Friday, December 4, 2009

Tuileries Sunspot

Julie Has posted her recent newsletter on
the France workshop as well as other workshops for 2010.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Mountain Mist

The skies of Upcountry Maui are ever changing.
The clouds roll across the mountainside and
create a magical mist. This stand of eucalyptus was almost transparent in the clouds. I am drawn to the emotionality that the upcountry landscape presents.

Sunday, April 19, 2009


I am very drawn to the square format. It seems to contain the composition within a perfectly balanced frame. I find the
square to be the most harmonious of forms. This is a direct departure from the traditional rectangular landscape format that I am accustomed to using. I find the square does not compete with the visual, but only enhances it.