Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Summer France Workshop

This summer, I taught my annual France workshop in the Lot region of France. Eleven plein air painters joined me for 10 days at our stay at Le Vieux Couvent. When we weren't painting we enjoyed wonderful French cuisine, celebrated a double birthday and I was even crowned the Queen of Art! Here are some scenes from our trip.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Dawn Comes to Paia

I see this view on the way to Paia almost every day. At dawn,
the sun rises over the side of the volcano and the sky is always filled with light-filled clouds. In this piece I sought to capture the beauty as well as the power of this moment.

"Dawn Comes to Paia"
30 x 40
Oil on Linen

Friday, February 19, 2010

Maui's Cane Fields

I live along the coast of Maui's North Shore and I am often inspired by the dynamic weather patterns that occur along the slopes of Haleakala and across the isthmus. While driving home one day from town in the late afternoon, the clouds were billowing up the slopes of the volcano and the
afternoon light made the clouds a soft warm color. I was drawn to the way the clouds were
building along the land and the cane fields below.

"A Bit of Heaven"
48 x 48