Saturday, November 24, 2007

The Tempest

After a trip to the Northwest, I am transfixed by the skies and the light. I decide to capture the expansiveness of the atmosphere and paint large. I push myself more and decide to work this painting using transparent layers of acrylics. I work the layers not unlike the old masters did. I find I love the large format. It frees me up. Suddenly, I am not painting a sky, a horizon or the earth. I am one and part of each element as I paint it. I am in the sky, I am feeling the earth and I hear the wind.

1 comment:

Brandy Gale said...

You have truly distilled the spot and moment in time to its essence... Even via a small jpeg, I am right there in that field. Would love to see the original someday. Fabulous, Julie!

Kind regards from Canada,